A son of the forest quotes apess summary
A son of the forest quotes apess summary

a son of the forest quotes apess summary

Evidence something intelligent lives on the planet. Passing an outcrop, they see wooden crosses planted in the ground resembling a borderline fence. Slowly the country changes, and stray vegetation is seen. They begin their journey in the rocky desert around them, unseen figures move across the cliff tops watching their progress. Landon stops to plant an American flag before moving off. Taylor tells the others about the clock and proof it offers about the theory of relativity. Coming ashore they take stock of their situation: they have food and water for three days and a handgun. Landon calls him out on this information claiming Taylor didn't have enough time to read the tapes before their ship sank. Taylor surmises that they are some 320 light years from Earth on a planet orbiting a star in the Orion system. The three men, Taylor, Landon (Robert Gunner), Dodge (Jeff Burton) take to a raft and begin paddling to shore. They have been in space for over 2,000 years, yet by traveling through a hyperspace wormhole they have aged only about 20 months, with long beards to prove it. As Taylor leaves the ship he sees the ship's clock showing the year as 3978. The remaining three crewmen scramble to escape after being unsuccessful in sending a message to Earth. Suddenly one of the bulkheads collapses and the ship begins to sink. One of the four (a young woman) has died in stasis. The ship awakens the crew, who immediately realize their situation.

a son of the forest quotes apess summary

As he sleeps, the ship continues on before encountering a planet and crashes into a lake. Taylor takes an injection and enters his stasis chamber to wait out the rest of the voyage with his three fellow astronauts. Although nearly six months out from Earth since they took off in 1972 they have traveled 700 years into the future due to their faster than light speed through a wormhole. He's making a log entry about the journey so far. Colonel George Taylor (Charlton Heston) is at the controls. The film opens with the image of a ship in space.

A son of the forest quotes apess summary